Senin, 29 Juni 2015


To be slim and healthy girl
Everyone wants to look pretty and beautiful. Especially girls will be confident, if they have slim body and beautiful face. Fat body is a problem for girl, because sometime they feel  confused to choose dress and they will be difficult to run and faster to be tired in walking or traveling. How the way to be a slim girl? From my experiences, i will give you the ways of it.
You only need 3 ways to get slim body, like eating healthy food, jogging and making enjoy your brain. These ways can be very useful, if you can do it very well.
The first, eat the healthy foods like fruits, vegetable and vitamin, because our body need them. The important one in eating is keeping your time for eating. The normally time for diet is 8 hours, example from 10 a.m until 6 p.m, and do noteatwithin4hoursbefore bedtime.Ifyousleepinthese conditions, thegrowthhormoneis notout so nofat breakdownprocess. Instead, therewill be buriedfoodinto fat. As a result,it willmake thebodyintofat. the next, you need to do jogging every morning or gym twice in weeks. Gym canhelp shapea better bodyby increasingyourmuscle. So, there will be noprotruding bellyannoying. Finally, making your mind calm, because not only the body, but must be considered healthy and beautiful body also needs a cool mind and not stress, so your day full of cheerfulness day in front of everyone.
As often as you do these step, you will get the maximum resultsandwhenyou combine itwithfastingtwice a week, then theeffortyouhave gained will beperfect,becauseon the other hand, youdo more kindnessin your life.

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